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All 2015 submissions can be viewed in our online gallery and are available for purchase! Artists have generously submitted their artwork for sale and 33% of all proceeds raised will go towards the charitable work of the Mission to Seafarers.

The exhibition is open Wednesday to Sunday for public viewing from 7th - 26th November, 2015 at the historic seafarers' centre at 717 Flinders Street, Docklands from 12 noon – 6pm.

Natalie Anderson - Out of Range

Natalie Anderson - Out of Range - 2015 Price: $2950 In this unprecedented age of hyper-connectedness & media intrusion the ocean offers humanity reprieve. Separated from our screens,our minds quiet, immersed and fully alive - mercifully 'out of range'! Size:121cm x 91 cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen


Alan Annells - Channel Markers - 2015 Price: $3000 Along the shores and channels of the bays are a myriad of navigation markers and buoys. These objects are a constant source of inspiration. Size:91cm x 121cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas


Judy Antill - Indigo Storm – Pt Melbourne - 2015 Price: $1800 This canvas was painted from one of my location paintings as a storm approached Port Melbourne. It is a visual appreciation of the power of nature belittling man’s presence. Size:91cm x 122cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Armstrong-Roper_Julie Anne_Requiescence-Offshore Port Phillip Bay. Oil on Canvas. 30cm x 76cm

Julie-Anne Armstrong-Roper - Requiescence - Offshore Port Phillip Bay - 2015 Price: $1200 “I want to see the waves break on this rocky beach, Not just hear them break as I did in my sleep. I want to see again the ships that pass through the Strait from every seafaring country in the world -old, dirty freighters just barely moving along…” Quote: Raymond Carver Size:30cm x 76cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


SOLD - Berni Ayreart - The Crew - 2015 Price: $1200 Those depicted are a merchant crew sourced from family documents and research. It reveals the raw reality of human cost of the many...those lost in conflicts at sea. Size:85cm x 115cm Framed Medium: Oil/Acrylic

Baker_Tim_ Full ahead both

SOLD - Tim Baker - Full Ahead Both - rough seas - 2015 Price: $495 The Royal Australian Navy Battle Class Destroyer ‘Anzac’ (D59) on her acceptance trials in 1951 at full speed in rough weather. Size:50cm x 58cm Framed Medium: Watercolour


Peter Ben - Not titled - 2014 Price: $260 Peter Ben creates highly illustrative interpretations of other worlds using detailed abstract patterning to fill his landscapes. His paintings and drawings are influenced by science fiction themes and infused with a sharp humour. Size:54cm x 43cm Framed Medium: Gouache on paper

Benzie_Carla_Change in the wind

Carla Benzie - Change in the Wind - 2015 Price: $3400 Acrylic mixed median on canvas with silver leaf, sailing strongly and freely through the sea breeze Size:90cm x 66cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic mixed media

Birt_John Orlando_Eternity

SOLD - John Orlando Birt - Eternity - 2015 Price: $4250 An enduring tribute to seafarers who combine a trust in their craft with knowledge of the elements to create a passage they traverse between life and eternity. Size:82cm x 82cm Framed Medium: Oil

Blackwell JohnAndrew_orange ocean container

John Andrew Blackwell - Orange Ocean Container - 2015 Price: $7800 Ask yourself, where is the container vessel? Container ships carry everything from boats to toothbrushes. Yet this faded orange container heas travelled the seas providing look-a-like food for marine creatures. Size:122cm x 82cm Unframed Medium: Marine plastic debris on ply /acrylic

Boag_Melissa_Carrick Heads

Melissa Boag - Carrick Heads - 2015 Price: $600 As part of the crew on the replica of HMB Endeavour from Hobart to Sydney. The ship features carvings of a head of sailor painted in a fiery orange red. The Australian National Maritime Museum had no knowledge of the origin but guessed that they were based on Parkinson’s drawings. The heads became crew mates, characters on the ship. Arrogant & proud despite their status as sailors and not officers. Size:66cm x 33cm Framed Medium: Pen & wash

Bourne_Ruben_Bluewater Sailing

SOLD - Ruben Bourne - Bluewater Sailing - 2015 Price: $750 Created with a minimum of information for maximum impact and astonishingly, you can feel the movement of the wind and ocean. The art that's trending right now. Size:50cm x 80cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Braben_Don_Colour me Svitzer!

SOLD - Don Braben - Colour Me Svitzer! - 2015 Price: $760 Tugs of the Svitzer Company moored at Fremantle showing their distinctive colours. Size:30cm x 60cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Braben_Don_Just Another Day at the Office

Don Braben - Just Another Day at the Office - 2015 Price: $1200 Crew of the lighthouse tender, Cape Grafton, boarding the lightship, Breaksea, off Fraser Island to conduct maintenance. The white is guano from seabirds. Size:58cm x 78cm Framed Medium: Oil

Brady_Patrick_smashing through

Patrick Brady - Smashing Through - 2015 Price: $1000 A depiction of the moment of contact between the Pilot boats and the power of the ocean, their moment of truth, a daily dangerous and deadly dance between humanity and the sea……… Size:76cm x 102cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Bright_Colleen_Stormy, Stormy Night

Colleen Bright - Stormy, Stormy Night - 2015 Price: $860 Stormy Stormy Night highlights the eNormous challenge mankind faces when we move from the land into the environment of the World’s oceans. Size:86cm x 106cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic

Broad_Edna_Container shipping route

Edna Broad - Container Shipping Route - 2015 Price: $3000 Containerised shipping as a means of rapid and economical means of transporting large amounts of goods globally. Size:38cm x 114cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic & Collage


Dallas Bromley - Home from the Sea - 2015 Price: $6500 The hands pulling the boat back into the safety of the shore bring life back to land from the sea. Size:101cm x101cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic & resin on canvas

Bruere_Julian_St Michaels Mount

Julian Bruere - St. Michaels Mount - The Past - 2014 Price: $2400 St Michaels Mount in Cornwall stands as an iconic landmark and harbour. This painting is inspired by the craggy cliffs seen in Clarkson Stanfield's epic painting in the NGV Melbourne. Size:74cm x 106cm Framed Medium: Watercolour

CHAPMAN_Ian_Divers Underwater Construction

Ian Chapman - Divers underwater Construction - 2015 Price: $5000 While painting at the old wharves at Millers point these divers provided an unexpected subject slipping between reality and abstraction with the water. Size:90cm x 100cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic

Campbell_Martin_Still Waters Run Deep

SOLD - Martin Campbell - Still Waters Run Deep - 2015 Price: $4000 This quiet and tranquil scene of the ship in safe and still waters whilst in port contrasts against the wild oceans it has come through and will venture into once again. Size:125cm x 125cm Framed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Claremont_Richard_Dusk,Port Kembla

SOLD - Richard Claremont - Dusk, Port Kembla - 2013 Price: $7500 This painting explores the tension between the natural and man-made worlds at Port Kembla harbour. Size:130cm x 130cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Coles_Rolf_F_Provisions at Sea

Ralph F Coles - Provisions at Sea - 2015 Price: $1500 The painting illustrates crew from the research vessel “Kwai” and the yacht, both seen anchored nearby, collecting their gift parcels from the cruise ship in their inflatable tenders while the ship’s officers on duty oversee the operation from the bridge extension. Size:50cm x 70cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Condon_Samuel_Admiral Arthur Phillip

Samuel Rush Condon - Admiral Arthur Phillip - 2015 Price: $2400 Admiral Arthur Phillip sailed with the First Fleet, was the founder of the British penal colony that became the city of Sydney, and was the first governor of NSW. Size:30cm x 27.5cm Framed Medium: Gouache and ink on wood panel


Liz Cuming - A confused sea makes it tough for humanity to enjoy the interaction - 2015 Price: $3300 Memories of trips up the NSW coast are generally pleasant, Notable exceptions being those on what is termed a "confused" sea - dramatic, picturesque, but not kind on the stomach! Size:122 x 122 cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on stretched Belgian Linen

Darcey_John_Captains Call, Sailing into the Storm

SOLD - John Darcey - Captain's Call, Sailing Into The Storm - 2015 Price: $2600 This painting uses a strong bright focal point opposed to dark morbid colours to create a sense of foreboding. The “calm before the storm” on Storm Bay, Tasmania. Size:100cm x 80cm Framed Medium: Soft Artist Pastel

David Philip_Sailing Vessels Moored in Newcastle late 1800's

Philip David - Sailing Vessels Moored in Newcastle late 1800's - 2015 Price: $1300 I have used dark tones to signify early sun-down. The ships have been loaded with coal ready to set sail. An evocative scene when dozens of ships crammed dock-sides. Size:70cm x 52cm Framed Medium: Oil

Davis_Rob_Small Pickings

Rob Davis - Small Pickings - 2015 Price: $2400 It is said "To learn to pray first go to the sea". For 25 years India has been my inspiration. Finally the Arabian Sea and its Fishermen has taken me home. Size:80cm x 10.5 cm Framed Medium: Oil on Linen

Davis_Rob_The Body Surfers

Rob Davis - The Body Surfers - 2015 Price: $1500 In the Arabian Sea at Kovalam Indian youths modestly clad, Dolphin like tackles the huge waves and body surf. The power of which create foam as thick as shaving cream. Size:91cm x 91cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen


SOLD - Nicolas Dell'Oso - Tranquility - 2015 Price: $800 On a calm sea, that vital global highway used by humanity for millennia, a solitary freighter seems frozen in time and space on its way to port. Size:61cm x 91.5cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Dennis_Joni_Everyday Drama

Joni Dennis - Everyday Drama - 2015 Price: $5600 Assuring safe pilot's transfer is a major focus for regional authorities, in spite of strengthening safety measures for self-protection, pilots still depend on the ship for the pilot transfer arrangements and their operations, it’s not for the faint hearted. Size:112cm x 137cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic & Oil on Canvas


Dana Dion - Dark Water - 2015 Price: $3380 This painting was created on a kayaking trip. I was reminded of the dangers of the water, currents and energy of the sea, and enjoyed the freshness, colours and space. Size:130cm x 101cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on paper

Downey_Sophie_Sir James Hardy

Sophie Downey - Sir James Hardy, A Nerida Do-Well Price: $8000 If ever there was an image which embodies the relationship between man and sea, it would have to be veteran sailor Sir James Hardy, of America's Cup fame, and his sentimental favorite, the lovely 'Nerida'. A man who is prepared to retrieve his vessel from the depths most surely has a relationship with the sea which words cannot describe. Size:140cm x 140cm Framed Medium: Oil on canvas

Dunlop, Richard A Harbour for Refugees

Richard Dunlop - A Harbour for Refugees - 2015 Price: $7500 A painting about an historical issue of current reference again. Size:30cm x 180cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Belgian linen

Fernandes_Leon_Tsunami (after Hokusai)

Leon Fernandes - Tsunami (after Hokusai) - 2015 Price: $450 Hokusai's "Great Wave" image is simultaneously balanced and chaotic. It has been machine embroidered on top of a floating family against an apocalyptic background. Size:32cm x 42 cm Framed Medium: Acrylic, screen print and embroidery thread on linen

Flowers Jane _ Blue Highway

Jane Flowers - Blue Highway - 2015 Price: $2800 I love painting ships and have recently observed them from an aerial perspective, like this one spotted leaving Mooloolaba. This image evokes the loneliness of a voyage onto the vast ocean. Size:140cm x 100 cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Frankpitt_Darin_Docklands from Bolte Bridge

Darin Frankpitt - Docklands from Bolte Bridge - 2014 Price: $1300 This scene shows the Docklands from the Bolte Bridge. The painting has been created from memory and quick sketches made after my daily commute. Size:71cm x 91cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Gambardella_John_Raging Sea_ Point Lonsdale Lighthouse_VIC

John Gambardella - Raging sea - Point Lonsdale Lighthouse, Victoria - 2015 Price: $5000 My ongoing maritime theme and its connection between humanity and the sea, has culminated the creation of my artwork in commemoration of the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service Centenary 1915 – 2015. Size:110cm x 135cm Framed Medium: Acrylic/oil


Graeme Gordes - Marseilles - 2015 Price: $2700 Notre Dame, built on the foundations of an ancient fort, watches over historical Marseilles, the crossroads of immigration & trade, founded by the Phoenicians in 600BC Size:127cm x 100cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Gordes_Graeme_Port Hedland 2015

Graeme Gordes - Port Hedland - 2015 Price: $2600 Bucket wheel re claimers, ship loaders, dominate the skyline of Port Hedland, the largest bulk tonnage export port in the world, powerhouse of the Australian economy. Size:97cm x 107cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Handley_Craig_Sand bar forming, Huskisson, Jervis Bay

Craig Handley - Sand bar forming Huskisson, Jervis Bay - 2015 Price: $2200 painted plein air in September 2015. Size:33 x 43 cm Framed Medium: Oil on board

Hyde_Mary_Docked and Loading

Mary Hyde - Docked and Loading - 2015 Price: $3600 Through the calm and treacherous sea waters the ships with their cargoes travel en route around the world. Now 'docked and loading' the crew prepare for the next voyage. Size:91cm x 121cm Framed Medium: Oil

Keally_Luke_All my waves can break so slowly. (Night surfer)

Luke Kealy - All my waves can break so slowly. (Night surfer) - 2015 Price: $1250 As a surfer I am always in awe of how, at first view, the ocean can instantaneously effect my mood. I often consider it a grand metaphor for the fluidity of human consciousness. Size:83cm x 54cm Framed Medium: Oil on canvas


Vanessa Kelly - Afternoon Shift - 2015 Price: $6000 The low sun reflecting off the massive hulls of ships being guided into and out of the docks by busy tugs and their crews. Size:110cm x 110cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Kirton_John_Light in the Dark

John Kirton - Light in the Dark - 2015 Price: $8000 I often wonder what type of person accepts the challenge that comes with the solitude, isolation and dedication, to provide a light in the dark - guiding seafarers safely home. Size:95.7cm x 126.3cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on Linen

LANE Warren SIEV X. OIl on canvas. 121x61cm

Warren Lane - SIEV X - 2015 Price: $1200 A voyage at sea can be pleasurable and adventurous or perilous and life changing. Unfortunately Not much has changed since the SS St Louis in 1939 or the MV Tampa in 2001. (SIEV X stands for Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel X. It is the acronym used by the surveillance authorities) Size:121cm x 61 cm Unframed Medium: Oil

LANE Warren The Ship at The End of The Street. Oil on canvas 91x122cm-1

SOLD - Warren Lane - The Ship at The End of The Street. - 2015 Price: $2500 In 2014 a small group from Newcastle UK, met at a reunion of their 1974 shipbuilding neighbourhood. Together they remembered playing as children in the shadows of terrace houses with the shipyards of Wallsend literally at the end of their street. Their stories inspired this painting. Size:91cm x 122 cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Laidlaw_Jenny_Sea Of Possibility

Jenny Laidlaw - Sea of Possibility - 2015 Price: $2500 Why do we feel the need to acquire things to give meaning to our lives? Dream differently and it is possible to again respect the ocean environment and become part of the delicate balance of nature. Size:59.5cm x86.5cm Framed Medium: Pen and water colour

Lamont_Jeremy_The Ice and the Cross LR

Jeremy Lamont - The Ice and The Cross - 2015 Price: $1500 The conquest of the Arctic and neighbouring southern island shores by the vikings is an era that evokes savage plunder and pillage, creating great fear from surrounding vulnerable civilisations. The Vikings were then themselves, paradoxically tamed by the ideology of peace from the very people whim they terroised! Size:101.6cm x 76.2cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Larwill_Kir - 3 images

Kir Larwill - Land-ho - 2015 Price: $900 Triptych of Three model ships setting sail. A wry look at the romanticised relationship between humanity and the sea, and how a model ship can head for the horizon in the imagination of a young boy. Size:28.5cm x 65cm Framed Medium: Oil painting on books, mounted on white display box/shelves

MANIFOLD_harley_The Rebuild

Harley Manifold - The Rebuild - 2015 Price: $850 Painted Plein Air in the Docklands of Melbourne, under an approaching storm in early 2015. The hull seemed to be a metaphor for the different phases we pass through in life, rebuilding, approaching storms... Size:30.5cm x 41cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Kaluumn Lee Maple - Loading - 2015 Price: $350 This detailed graphite sketch is of Nan Hai loading Christmas tree at stern crane. I have used tone to create detail and texture throughout the sketch. Size:38cm X 50cm Framed Medium: Graphite pencil

Martens_Kare_Uncle Eddy

Kåre Martens - Uncle Eddy - 2015 Price: $15000 Uncle Eddie is Eddie Ferreira, a 70 year old former sailor from Horten, Norway. Eddie spent 34 years at sea and what he is showing us is the tattoo he got in Calcutta when he was 16 years old. He doesn't regret it. What is done is done, he says. It's what all the young boys did at that time. Size:122cm x 110cm Unframed Medium: Oil on canvas

Mason_Marina_St Kilda Pier

Marina Mason - St Kilda Pier - 2014 Price: $1500 This collage, made from torn pieces of hand painted paper, aims to capture the light and movement of St Kilda Pier. It can be a place of quiet meditation or frenzied activity, and either way being there brings solace. Size:120cm x 90cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Paper - Collage

McGovern_Katheryn_Sailor's Ink

Kathryn McGovern - Sailor's Ink - 2015 Price: $1650 Thomas Murray orphaned at 10, escaped London’s East End; joining the Merchant Marine. He later jumped ship in Brisbane where he found love. This Artwork illustrates his recorded tattoos. Size:70cm x 90cm Framed Medium: Pen, Ink, watercolour & gouache

McKenzie_Pat_The Loading Dock

SOLD - Pat McKenzie - The Loading Dock - 2015 Price: $2900 The inspiration for this work was the conglomeration of cranes, towers, sheds, wharves etc which all seemed dwarfed by the massive bulk of the ship being loaded. Size:110cm x 90cm Framed Medium: Watercolour

PARISH_Vicki_Looking Out

Vicki Parish - Looking out - 2015 Price: $2500 Size:50cm x 65cm unframed Medium: Charcoal, pastel/paper

Palethorpe_Colin_Port Coloso 2010-14 oil on linen 61 x 76 cm

Colin Palethorpe - Port Coloso - 2014 Price: $960 On witnessing white faced herons in various ports around the world I was able to complete a work I started several years earlier. Humans' common ancestor with this bird, celebrated in diverse human mythologies, goes back 310 million years and is juxtaposed with a ship about to load copper cargo in Chile. Size:6cm1 x 76 cm Unframed Medium: Oil on linen

Patterson_Isla_Port Lockroy, Antarctic

Isla Patterson - Port Lockroy, Antarctic - 2015 Price: $2100 Port Lockroy, nestled under the dramatic mountains of Wienche Island, Antarctic, was a small whaling settlement in the early 1900’s. Now a popular destination for cruise ships and yachts. Size:84cm x 100cm Framed Medium: Watercolour

Paull_Martin_The Drowned and the Saved

Martin Paull - The Drowned and the Saved - 2015 Price: $300 The painting depicts a drowning person, sinking deep in dark waters. The scene, like the figure, is an ancient and eternal one – reminiscent of damned souls plunging into hell from 15 Century Flemish art; or ancient rock painting. Size:8cm x 8cm Framed Medium: Oil on Board

Perry_Adam_Man Sea and Heaven

Adam Perry - Man, Sea and Heaven - 2014 Price: $750 Inspired by seafarer and ancestor, Sir Humphrey Gilbert: "We are as near to Heaven by sea as by land! Size:72.5cm x 102cm Framed Medium: Drawing

Placidi_Anna_The Sailors Friend

SOLD - Anna Placidi - The Sailors Friend - 2015 Price: $720 This work is reinterpretation of Bicci Di Lorenzo painting " Saint Nicholas of Bari banishing the storm " and inspired by the volunteers of The Marine and Sea Rescue. Size:60 cm diameter Unframed Medium: Acrylic & Liquid Acrylic

Quigley Marian_migration

SOLD - Marian Quigley - Migration - 2015 Price: $650 Naïve’ stylisation is utilised to convey a symbolic migrant ship departing for a new land - the streamers representing the residual, albeit loosening ties between emigrants and their invisible families. Size:41cm x 51cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Linen

Roccella_Peter_MSC Astrid

SOLD -Peter Roccella - MSC Astrid - 2015 Price: $1350 Container ship, MSC Astrid, docked at Melbourne pier Size:80cm x 80cm Framed Medium: Oil on canvas

Rogers_Jill_Filleting and Feeding

Jill Rogers - Filleting and Feeding - 2015 Price: $2500 The Rhyll boat ramp on Phillip Island is a hive of activity after the days catch, onlookers gather to watch the filleting as birds, fish and rays squabble for scraps. Size:106cm x 106cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on Linen

Ross_Lance_Home Soon

Lance Ross - Home soon - 2015 Price: $1350 The classic yawl sails towards Pt. Lonsdale and will soon tack to sail through The Rip and safely moor up the creek at Queenscliff, Victoria. Size:50cm x 76 cm Unframed Medium: Oils on canvas

Ross_Lance_Shamrock V reefed

SOLD - Lance Ross - Shamrock V, reefed - 2015 Price: $1550 J-class 'Shamrock V', built for Sir Thomas Lipton by Camper & Nicholson, UK in 1929 for his fifth challenge for the America's Cup in Newport, RI, USA. She still races today. Size:76cm x 122cm Unframed Medium: Oils on canvas

Rowe_ Chris_Another Farewell

Chris Rowe - Another Farewell - 2015 Price: $800 Workers involved in the many varied maritime activities spend many months at sea, while situations at home constantly change. In my work Another Farewell the loved ones left behind, as another tour begins, are reluctant to leave as the ship sails into the distance. Described purely by body language, some look longingly, others turn away; all are lost in their own thoughts and contemplations. Size:53cm x 49cm Framed Medium: Mixed media on paper

Sangster_Vicki_Korean fishman boots

Vicki Sangster - Korean Fishermans' Boots - 2014 Price: $3700 After spending most of last year in South Korea around the fishing harbours and boats, I became very familiar with this scene and the likes. Size:102cm x 76cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Linen

Sangster_Vicki_Rowin to Sea

Vicki Sangster - Rowin to Sea - 2014 Price: $3500 This painting is in the style of Sidney Nolan’s Glenrowan series, therefore, paying homage to Sidney Nolan one of my favourite artists Size:92cm x 61cm unframed Medium: Acrylic on Linen


Ben Sheers - Ocular - 2015 Price: $3800 This artwork is a fusion of the seascape and still life genres which explores the juxtaposition of a variety of man made maritime objects with the natural sea side environment. Size:102cm x 136cm Unframed Medium: Oil on canvas


Meaghan Shelton - Crest - 2014 Price: $2400 A gift from a friend, this shell has pride of place in my studio. It has become an emblem of loss and becoming. There is healing, we can begin again. Size:50cm x 50cm Unframed Medium: Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

Sinclair_Clive_Afternoon Light on the Yarra

Clive Sinclair - Afternoon Light On the Yarra - 2015 Price: $8000 I happened across tis scene one afterNoon under the Westgate Bridge. I was focusing towards the old cement factory and across the Yarra with all its bustling energy of life when I noticed the wonderful light emerging from behind a boats funnel and beyond. Size:60cm x 90 cm Unframed

Smith_Graham_W_Sailing Canoes Bora Bora, Tahiti

Graham W. Smith F.R.Q.A.S. (Bris) - Sailing Canoes - Bora Bora, Tahiti - 41609 Price: $3500 The Polynesians are master mariners in these flimsy craft that traverse the Pacific Ocean in the Society Islands which I saw on my painting trip there in 2012. Size:65cm x 96cm Framed Medium: Oil

Stahle_Dustin_The Ships Song

Dustin Stahle - The Ship's Song - 2015 Price: $1995 Exploring the idea of a ship (Windjammer) at sea, glimpsed over the waves and asking what happened to those brave souls unknown but not forgotten. Size:108cm x 83cm Framed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Marc Standing - Equatorial Paradise - 2015 Price: $6000 A collision of marine organisms and forms collide with the natural world creating the illusion of an island utopia. Size:90cm x 90cm Framed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Thomas_Bridgit_Ship SpottingJPG

Brigit Thomas - Ship Spotting - 2015 Price: $3500 While on Residency at Pt. Nepean for 2 weeks, I had views across the South Channel where I obsessively recorded the constant coming & going of marine traffic with these quick sketches. Size:90cm x 132cm Framed Medium: watercolour

Thomas_Bridgit_Working TugsJPG

SOLD - Brigit Thomas - Working Tugs, Portland Harbour. - 2015 Price: $1500 Watching Tugs at work close up in Portland, you can see the maneuverability and power - one pushing and one pulling to position the ships Size:60cm x 120cm framed Medium: Watercolour

Turner_James_Sweating on the Sheets

James Turner - Sweating on the Sheet - 2015 Price: $500 The back breaking work of managing the sails of ships provides an image that reflects the relationship of men to the sea. Size:60cm x 45cm Framed Medium: Watercolour

Tyson_Barbara_The Fawkner

Barbara Tyson - The Fawkner - 2015 Price: $2926 Size:76cm x 102cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


SOLD - Jo Vautier - There She Goes Again - 2014 Price: $280 I like to play around with coastal elements and native flora, bringing the outside in and using the window for framing the vista that is at odds with the decorative interior but provides a rich, sometimes surreal, backdrop Size:30cm x 30cm Unframed Medium: Mixed on Canvas


SOLD - Jenny Viney - I-view - 2015 Price: $350 “I-view” A small glimpse through the porthole, that a sailor might see coming into a dockland area. Size:25cm x 25cm Framed Medium: Oil

White_David_Balance of Payments

David White - LNG = Balance of payments - 2015 Price: $6600 With the use of the metaphor this painting explores the connection the seafarer has with the transportation of the new energies and the ecoNomic contribution that is made to global ecoNomy. Al so the danger the seafarer is exposed to environmentally and Geo-politically internationally. Size:140cm x 140cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic

Wilks_Maxwell_Boarding British Loyalty in heavy weather

SOLD - Maxwell Wilks - Boarding British Loyalty in Heavy Weather - 2015 Price: $5000 This is a painting of the bulk carrier British Loyalty in heavy weather waiting for a chance to take on the Point Lonsdale Pilot outside the heads Size:1.100 x 900 Framed Medium: Oil

Wilks_Maxwell_The Power of Delivery

Maxwell Wilks - The Power of Delivery - 2015 Price: $8950 This is a painting of daily activity at the Port of Melbourne. I wanted to show the power and size of both the container cranes and the massive ships that travel around the world , all being maintained and controlled by humans. Size:1m x 1.25 Framed Medium: Oil

Williams_Robert J_Cerberus

SOLD - Robert J Williams - Cerberus - 2015 My work explores Pareidolia within the natural and man-made landscape. 'Cerberus" takes the form of a narrative unfolding through time, and is story telling in motion. It asks us to imagine a new way of relating to what is already there, and invites the engagement of the imagination. I am drawn to the way nature reclaims back the man-made. 'Cerberus' explores the Notion of mortality. We are, like everything built, being reclaimed. Size:128x 960cm

Woodland_John_Port Melbourne

John Woodland - Port Melbourne 1950 - 2015 Price: $1950 Scene shows arrival of MV Changsha assisted by tug Tooronga. Size:75cm x 101cm Framed Medium: Watercolour

Woodland_John_The Rising Sea

SOLD - John Woodland - The Rising Sea No. 2 - 2014 Price: $1950 A wave breaking over the side of a barque in a rough sea with decks awash and men fixing rigging. Size:97cm x 81cm Framed Medium: Watercolour


SOLD - Jack Woods - Alma Dopel - 2014 Price: $1100 The elegant three masted topsail schooner Alma Doepel sailing with a favourable wind as the sun rises on Port Phillip Bay. The schooner is currently being restored in Docklands and in a few years we will again see her sailing round the Bay. Size:57cm x 71cm Framed Medium: Oil on Board

Ye_Chijian_Sunrise over still ocean

Chijian Ye - Sunrise over still ocean - 2015 Price: $3000 Watching The sun rising above the clouds in the horizon, the captain is telling the young sailor all the exciting adventures he had and his vision for the future. Size:102 x 76cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Jim van Geet - Retired - 2015 Price: $4900 This painting of a malayan fishing trawler long past it's " use-by " date shows the awesome destructive power of the sea reducing a once mighty ship to it's current skeletal state. Size:60 x 86cm Framed Medium: Oil on Linen

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