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All works are for sale


All 2015 submissions can be viewed in our online gallery and are available for purchase! Artists have generously submitted their artwork for sale and 33% of all proceeds raised will go towards the charitable work of the Mission to Seafarers.


Please contact us for all sales at:

Thomas_Anthony_The Final Voyage

Anthony Thomas - The Final Voyage - 2015 Price: $999 The Final Voyage depicts journey’s end for a once fine vessel where her bones are picked over by Bangladeshi workers with similarly forlorn fates. Size:51cm x 51cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

CHAPMAN_Ian_Wharf Carpenters

Ian Chapman - Wharf Carpenters - 2015 Price: $6000 The construction of a new wharf at manly allowed me to combine two of my favourite subjects - men working and the littoral. Size:130cm x 120cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic

Baker_Tim_On the Edge copy

Tim Baker - On the edge - 2015 Price: $495 They are racing in a very strong wind and they are pushing their yacht to the very edge of its capability. Size:50cm x 58cm Framed Medium: Watercolour


Yvette Young - Headland - 2015 Price: $300 This work represents ocean travel even experienced, waves, coral and relief. Size:33 cm x 33cm Framed Medium: Mixed media/collage


Jack Woods - Tilikum off Tasman island - 2014 Price: $1900 In 1902/3 Captain John Voss displayed amazing seamanship in sailing this strange 11m wood dugout caNoe, with its short masts, and traditional figurehead from British Columbia to Australia and then on to London. Size:72cm x100cm Framed Medium: Oil on Board

Wong_Tung_A night at sea

Tung Wong - A Night at Sea - 2015 Price: $700 The center is a tall ship which also is two fishes. A lighthouse and two ship ventilation funnels are hidden at the background. Surfaced fishes are the tall ship’s shadow. Size:60cm x 60cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas


Sally West - Blues Point from Balls Head - Plein Air - Price: $3400 I painted this scene of Blues Point and the yachts in the afternoon when the sun hits these buildings and the colours light up. I was setup at Balls Head, Waverton which has become a favourite outdoor studio. Size:75cm x 100cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Sally West - Destine - Plein Air 2015 - 2015 Price: $4800 I painted this beautiful ship named “Destine” whilst it was moored at Gore Cove in Sydney Harbour. It was a beautiful sunny day and I found a lovely quiet spot to set up at Berry Island Reserve, Woolstence. Size:90cm x 120cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Malcolm Sturrock - Not titled - 2015 Price: $170 Malcolm Sturrock's work portrays a traditional sailing ship battling the elements. Sturrock employs a strong use of line, which highlights the tempestuous nature of the sea below and skies above. Size:38cm x 31cm Framed Medium: Ink on paper

West_Sharon_Safe passage
Watts_Lucy_Eden Wharf

Lucy Watts - Eden Wharf - 2015 Price: $450 The Bulimba at Eden Wharf Size:52.5cm x 78cm Framed Medium: Acrylic

Thompson_Jade_Squawking Seagull

Jade Thompson - Squawking Seagull - 2015 Price: $1500 Seeing a seagull is always a strong symbol for me that I am approaching the sea. Size:120cm X 90cm Unframed Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas

Wiggs_David_Morning Garden Island-Plein air

David K Wiggs - MORNING-GARDEN ISLAND-(PLEIN AIR) - 2015 Price: $3500 I set up near the Sydney Botanical gardens recently one morning overlooking Garden Island.I painted one of the smaller Naval ships preparing to leave.The Harbour light was beautiful. Size:73cm x 100cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Jo Vautier - Next Summer - 2014 Price: $550 I like to play around with coastal elements and native flora, bringing the outside in and using the window for framing the vista that is at odds with the decorative interior but provides a rich, sometimes surreal, backdrop Size:76cm x 76cm Framed Medium: Mixed on Canvas


David K Wiggs - ALONE-(PLEIN AIR) - Price: $5500 This painting was painted in the sand dunes at Dee Why Sydney.The ocean was omiNous and uninviting.There was a lot of water moving and a sole surfer paddling out. Size:120cm x 120cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Kelly Sullivan - Russian Subs at St Kilda Pier Circa' 86 - 2015 Price: $780 As an island, Australia has a long tormented and irrational anxiety about being ‘invaded’ from the ocean. The perception itself is decades old, as depicted in this painting. Size:56 x 76 cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on wood panel

Smith_Graham_W_Family Fishing - Phuket, Thailand

Graham W. Smith F.R.Q.A.S. (Bris) - Family Fishing - Phuket Thailand - 2015 Price: $2750 Many Thai people rely on the sea for their livelihood in these quaint fishing vessels that I was able to paint on site on my trip there in 2010 Size:50cm x 80cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic

Sinclair_Catherine Hull_Tangled

Catherine Hull Sinclair - Tangled - 2015 Price: $750 Discarded and hazardous Size:30cm x 23cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Shobi Miranda painting 20141219_113809

Miranda Shobi - The Surfer and the Wave - 2013 Price: $450 This painting is about people and the sea. Surfing is a popular activity in the sea. The surfer is taking a risk riding the monster wave but he gets much jy out of it. The contest is between the human being and the sea. Sometimes the human wins and sometimes the sea wins. I can't surf but I love watching this on television. Size:60cm x 90cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas

Shaliapin_Martin_Spirit of Tasmania, Stormy Dawn in Devonport, Tas

Martin Shaliapin - Spirit Of Tasmania,Stormy Dawn In Devonport,TAS - 2015 Price: $330 View of the Spirit Of Tasmania from the deck of the tanker Alexander Spirit . Capturing all the colours of first light. The artist works as an Integrated Rating in the Australian Merchant Navy. Size:50 x 39 cm Framed Medium: Water soluble oils

Shelley_Lesley_ Graceful Decay on Dickey Beach-001

Lesley Shelley - Graceful Decay on Dickey Beach - 2015 Price: $600 This year Council removed the wreck of 'SS Dickey'. She was a favourite among locals and visitors. Sadly she remains a vision of memory on the beach that bears her name. Size:65cm x 80cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Christopher Shelton - She - 2015 Price: $2500 "She" glides across the ocean bringing joy and fare. The shape and size are predestined by her intended task to tackle the ever changing elements of a restless sea. Size:92cm x 76cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen

Schiebold_Hans_on route

Hans Schiebold - On route - 2015 Price: $900 The Sea; we chart and measure it to establish the safest and most efficent trade routes around the planet. Others just enjoy the fringes of the oceans and it's beaches. Size:102cm x 76cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Shaliapin_Martin_Alexander Sprit in Dispute

Martin Shaliapin - Alexander Spirit In Dispute,Devonport, TAS - 2015 Price: $470 The artist was working aboard the TeeKay owned products tanker when it was announced that the crew would be replaced with a poorly paid foreign crew. That sparked industrial action mid 2015. The artist will be fined $10,200 and retrenched. Size:54cm x 54 cm Framed Medium: Water soluble oils


Maria (Edi) Saliba - Daydreams in Port Fairy - 2015 Price: $6000 Maria (Edi) Saliba - Reflections - 2015 Price: $5000 Artist: Maria (Edi) Saliba Title: Reflections Medium: Pencil on board Size:64cm x 96cm Framed Medium: Pencil

Saliba_Maria_(Edi)_Daydreams in Port Fairy

Maria (Edi) Saliba - Daydreams in Port Fairy - 2015 Price: $6000 Artist: Maria (Edi) Saliba Title: Daydreams in Port Fairy Medium: Pencil on board Size:100cm x 69cm


Anthony Romagnano - Sailing 2 - 260 Price: $270 In Sailing 2, Anthony Romagnano is a further abstracted and muted version of its pair. Romagnano outlines triangular forms to represent sailing ships, and fills them with subdued greys and earthy tones. Size:54cm x 43cm Framed Medium: pencil on paper

ROMAGNANO_Anthony_Sailing 2

Anthony Romagnano - Sailing - 2015 Price: $270 In Sailing, Anthony Romagnano depicts an abstracted scene of sailing boats in water. Romagnano employs his technique of outlining bold angular shapes and filling them with vivid colours, making them recognisable forms. Size:54cm x 43cm Framed Medium: Pencil on paper

Rogers_Julie_ hope and peace

Julie Rogers - Peace and Hope - 2015 Price: $950 A Cargo ship passes the heads, leaving behind calm and peaceful waters. Safety of the crew and cargo, rests upon the faith and hope in God and the Captain. Size:60cm x 92cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

REICHELT_Gayle_HMQS Gayundah - The Final Berth_Mission to Seafarers. IMG_4873

Gayle Reichelt - HMQS Gayundah - The Final Berth - 2015 Price: $4000 Gayundah has served as a flat-iron gunboat, minesweeper, sea-going tender, and a sand/gravel barge. In 1958, she was run aground at Woody Point, Queensland to serve as a breakwater. Size:126cm x 82cm Framed Medium: Oil

REES_Annalise_Looking out (looking in)
REICHELT_Gayle_Cherry Venture - Her Journey Ends_Mission to Seafarers  IMG_5435

Gayle Reichelt - Cherry Venture - Her Journey Ends - 2015 Price: $3900 Cherry Venture was driven ashore in 1973 during a violent storm. Abandoned to its fate, nature seeks revenge in entropy by rightfully returning these objects to their constituent elemental dust. Size:76cm x 122cm Unframed Medium: Oil

REES_Annalise_The Catch

Annalise Rees - The Catch - 2015 Price: $2475 These two drawings have come about after spending 6 weeks at sea on board a professional cray boat off the coast of Tasmania Size:80cm x 60 cm Framed Medium: Graphite on paper

Redmayne_ Jonathan_Despair_on white background

Jonathan Redmayne - Despair - 2015 Price: $1600 Despair, explores the after effects of war and the extreme measures that are driving thousands to risk everything against an unforgiving sea. Size:121.5cm x 91.5cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Peters_Rachel_Guide Us through Stormy Waters

Rachel Peters - Ancient Markers - 2015 Price: $1000 This work explores the age old rock formations along our South West coast. Layers of maps, paint and sand reflect historical cycles of nature, stories and wisdom that inform our lives. Size:120cm x100cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic/Mixed Media


Isla Patterson - Moonlight, Fishing Fleet, Ulladulla - 2014 Price: $560 Moonlight, Fishing Fleet, Ulladulla evokes a peaceful scene of calm and quiet, just the sea lapping the boats’ sides, after a busy, Noisy day, full of action, out at sea. Size:51cm x 70cm Framed Medium: Watercolour


Vicki Parish - Jetsam - 2015 Price: $2500 ‘jetsam’ – that which is thrown or cast ashore by the sea (Shorter Oxford English Dict.) Size:50cm x 65cm Unframed Medium: Charcoal, pastel/paper

Palethorpe_Colin_ Hawaii

Colin Palethorpe - Hawaii - 2014 Price: $3900 This work is derived from a collage study completed in 2014 juxtaposing a 19th century postcard scene from Hawaii with a car carrier from the 21st century Size:107cm x 137cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen

McLeod_David_ Brisbane Water

David McLeod - Brisbane Water - 2015 Price: $3000 The Brisbane Water boat shed was the departure point to Sydney by ship for my Grandfather, in 1907. His journey began after leaving the orphanage he spent his childhood in. Size:103cm x 90cm Unframed Medium: Oil on canvas

Gambardella John_Distant Tanker_Norah-Head Lighthouse_NSW

John Gambardella - Distant tanker - Norah Head Lighthouse, NSW - 2015 Price: $5000 My ongoing maritime theme and its connection between humanity and the sea, has culminated the creation of my artwork in commemoration of the Commonwealth Lighthouse Service Centenary 1915 – 2015. Size:135cm x 110cm Framed Medium: Acrylic/oil pastels


Nina Ryan - Black Hull - 2015 Price: $1800 Mankind has always been at the mercy of the sea. To facilitate a harmonious co-existence man has had to build large container ships to negotiate safe passages. Size:93cm x 103cm Framed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Cathryn McEwen - Lost at Sea - 2014 Price: $1680 What can be done for those seeking refuge on our shores? 27/09/13 "The boat sank off Java en route to Australia. 36 people are confirmed drowned, including a number of children.” Size:73cm x 73 cm Unframed Medium: Oil on canvas

Flowers Jane _Ocean Road

Jane Flowers - Ocean Road - 2015 Price: $2800 A study in ocean water and trace of its disturbance from ships plying the ocean’s trade routes. They may be impressive in size, bulk and enthusiasm yet leave a transient wake. Size:120cm x 140cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Canvas


Debra Goldsmith - Bouy - 2015 Price: $2250 Bouy' is the difference between life and death, between the ocean and survival of the humans who travel across the wild and unpredictable realm of the sea. Size:70cm x 100cm Framed Medium: Charcoal and pastel on paper

Grace_Wendy_Bridging the Fjord

Wendy Grace - Bridging the Ford - 2015 Price: $450 This bridge in Bergen Norway spans the fjord providing passage between land forms; connecting communities which would otherwise only be accessible via the sea. Size:61cm x 41cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Ferrington_Sars & Kershaw_Dan_Captivated by the Blue

Sara/Dan Ferrington/Kershaw - Captivated by the Blue - 2015 Price: $3000 Oil on Canvas. Collaborative work by two artists. Size:102cm x 102cm Unframed Medium: Oil

Downey_Sophie_Lieutenant Manetta. Shipshape!

Sophie Downey - Lieutenant Manetta. Shipshape! - 2015 Price: $3000 Lieutenant Michael Manetta is a barrister at law in Adelaide. His relationship with the sea is therefore part time, as a member of the Royal Australian Naval Reserve. He is pictured in this painting with the positive attitude and brightness of a cadet, keen to serve his country. Size:90 x 120 cm Framed Medium: Acrylic on canvas

D'Argent_Rosa_Guiding Tides

Rosa d'Argent - Guiding Tides - 2014 Price: $2500 Peacefully riding the tides, symbolises the deep connection of the boy and his vessel, to the eternal ocean. A communion with the spirit of the sea and a calling for humanity to deepen it's connection to nature and the earth Size:91cm x 91xm Unframed Medium: oil


Russell Dammers - Seareal - 2015 Price: $1300 Seareal is of the entering the Docklands in Melbourne and about the surreal emotions that arise upon returning from sea to see such a man made cityscape. Size:120cm x 90cm120cm x 90cm Framed Medium: Acrylic through mesh

Boag_Melissa_Ships Graveyard

Melissa Boag - Ships Graveyard - 2015 Price: $750 From 1909 to 1945 the North Arm of the Port Adelaide River became the final destination for many vessels which had outlived their usefulness - casualties of technological change, of the Great Depression and two world wars, or simply of disrepair and accidental damage. A metaphor for life and the vulnerability of the human experience and the endless struggle to belong and find a place in the world. Easily forgotten, isolated and expendable.

Baker_Tim_On the Edge copy

Carla Benzie - Broken - 2015 Price: $700 Acrylic on canvas, mixed media. Lighthouse in the open sea, custom lights fitted to illuminate the windows when turned on Size:43cm x 59cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic & mixed media

McConaghy_Julie_Waves X to XVI

Julie McConaghy - Waves X-XVI - 2015 Price: $$600each of 6 paintings or $3,600.00 in total This is a grid of six paintings of the same seascape at different times of the day and in different seasons. It is a place I return to again and again, a seascape of special significance to me. Size:88cm x 162cm Framed Medium: oil on linen

Marks_Margie_Pure Pleasure

Margie Marks - Purepleasure - 2015 Price: $5000 Sailing is my pleasure! Sailing 'Couta' boats has been a summer activity for many years. This painting is a perfect day on the bay. Size:81cm x 66cm Unframed

McConaghy_Julie_Breakfast for Everyone

Julie McConaghy - Breakfast for Everyone - 2015 Price: $3750 This is a self portrait reflecting my twin roles of artist, with an artistic practice centered around the sea as muse and mother caring for family members (hence the title of the work "Breakfast for Everyone"). Size:112cm x 167cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen

Mariani_Leah_By the_sea

Leah Mariani - By the sea - 2014 Price: $650 Brother and sister sit side by side, looking out to the ocean. This painting represents childhood memories of summer holidays by the sea. Size:61cm x 76cm Unframed Medium: Oil on cotton and canvas


Georgina Maddox - Red Sky Morning Red Sky Night - 2015 Price: $990 Oil on Canvas triptych with cotton and polYester hand stitched thread. 40cm H x 120cm L. Red Sky Day, Red Sky Night is inspired by the beginning of a sea voyage. Size:40cm x 120cm Framed Medium: Oil on Canvas, cotton and polyester thread

Macrae_Ron_I'll pray to anyone till I'm on dry land

Ron Macrae - I'll pray to anyone till I'm on dry land. - 2015 Price: $2900 Painting is of the S.S "Pakura" built in Holland in 1923, scrapped 1961. She spent most of her life with Richardsons of Napier, N.Z. trading around the N.Z. coast. Size:61cm x 122cm Unframed Medium: Synthetic Polymer

Lambi_Trisha _ Adrift

Trisha Lambi - Adrift - 2015 Price: $2800 Since my mother's death from MND, I am adrift on the sea, struggling to cope with the awful realisation that I have to navigate my future without her. Size:90cm x 60cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen

Knight_Leigh_The Lass of Geraldton
Laidlaw_Jenny_The pull of Solitude

Jenny Laidlaw - The Pull of Solitude - 2014 Price: $1950 What a pity so many people confuse peace with boredom. They built their homes from amongst the flotsam and jetsam and had found peace in their coastal isolation. Size:62cm x 82cm Framed Medium: Found Objects , handmade paper, pen and ink, pencil, watercolour

Kennedy_Peter_Waiting in the bay

Peter Kennedy - Waiting in the bay - 2015 Price: $1550 I swim in Port Philip bay on a daily basis and am inspired to paint when I see the light on the water and how it changes with the weather. The moNolithic forms of the ships waiting for tugboats to guide them in to dock reminded me of the poem 'Marine', written by the French poet Arthur Rimbaud. Size:90cm x 70cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Belgian linen

Kelly_Tace_Proximity to another vessel, a drawing

Tace Kelly - Proximity to aNother vessel, a drawing. - 2015 Price: $150 A drawing responding to maritime signal flags, the various ways that we interact with the sea and the symbols we use to represent it. Size:53cm x 108cm Unframed Medium: Pencil on paper

Jeftic_Stefan_View Of The Old Town

Stefan Jeftic - View of the Old Town - 2015 Price: $550 This painting was a photo taken on holiday in Budva, Montenegro on the Adriatic coast. I took the photo while walking along the beach near the old town of Budva. Size:25cm x 30cm Unframed Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

Handley_Craig_The long long bay

Craig Handley - the long long bay - 2015 Price: $6700 ...Our home is girt by sea; Size:68cm x 94 cm Unframed Medium: Oil on Linen

Gurney_Margaret__One Day At Quiet Corner_Quartet

Margaret Gurney - One Day at Quiet Corner - Quartet - 2014 Price: $2200 I love to absorb the feeling of the sea and its environment when I paint plein-aire. Watching the changing light and capturing the essence of this place is a constant inspiration. Size:70cm x 85cm Framed Medium: Watercolour - Pleinaire

Graham_John cook 2

John Graham - A Portrait of Cook - 2015 Price: $1900 Some years ago i was given a copy of Anne Salmond's "The Trial of the Cannibal Dog: Captain Cook in the South Seas" A book that examined the concept that Cook was far more affected by his exposure to the Polynesian world than historians had previously credited - In my work Cook sports a Hawaiian feather cloak, an Australian Aboriginal Lonka Lonka carved shell pendant and a full Maori face tattoo Size:102 x 102cm102 x 102cm Unframed Medium: Oil

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